Recombinant HBsAg adw antigen was mutated by replacing the Proline residue at position 142 with Serine.HBsAgRecombinant HBsAg adw antigen was mutated by replacing the Proline residue at position 142 with Serine.; Sterile Filtered solution containing 20mM Na2HPO4, 0.03M NaCl and 0.001% Thimerosal, pH-7.4.
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Peptides致力研究多肽,多肽底物,自1983年以来Peptides生产和销售多种高纯度生物活性肽,生物活性肽(Bioactive Peptides ,BAP)是对生物机体的生命活动有益或是具有生理作用的肽类化合物,是一类相对分子质量小于6000Da , 具有多种生物学功能的多肽。生物活性肽具有多种人体代谢和生理调节功能,易消化吸收,有促进免疫、激素调节、抗菌、抗病毒、降血压、降血脂等作用,是当前国际食品界最热门的研究课题和极具发展前景的功能因子。